1435 | ECG SIGNAL FILTERING USING THE VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION authors: Munteanu Mihai, Rafiroiu Dan, Chindris Gabriel, Munteanu Radu Jr., Ciupa Radu, Roman Marius, Flueras Anca topic: Biomedical Measurement session symposia: SS88 (SS85 IV. Mo, SS85 IV. We) Biomedical Measurement IV. (Standard Session - posters)
1478 | THE EFFECT OF THE LEAFLET CONCAVITY ON THE CAVITATIONAL POTENTIAL OF SOME MHVS authors: Rafiroiu Dan, Giurgea Corina, Popa Calin, Munteanu Mihai, Manea Pompiliu, Ciupa Radu topic: Biomechanics session symposia: SS102 (SS98 V. Tu, SS98 V. We) Biomedical System Modelling and Analysis V. (Standard Session - posters)
2231 | LOW COST ENVIRONMENT FOR MONITORING BIOMEDICAL SIGNALS authors: Dumitrean Radu Mihai, Munteanu Mihai, Hurgoi Florin, Stroia Nicoleta topic: Biomedical Measurement session symposia: SS88 (SS85 IV. Mo, SS85 IV. We) Biomedical Measurement IV. (Standard Session - posters)