1619 | WEARABLE WIRELESS MONITORING SYSTEM BASED ON BLUETOOTH TECHNOLOGY: A TUTORIAL authors: Led Santiago, Serrano Luis, Galarraga Miguel topic: Telemedicine and Healthcare session symposia: SS128 (SS127 II.) Telemedicine and Healthcare II. (Standard Session - oral contributions)
1623 | GATEWAY BLUETOOTH-GPRS FOR ECG SIGNAL TRANSMISSION: IMPLEMENTATION IN MOBILE PHONE authors: Galarraga Miguel, Ucar Beatriz, Led Santiago, Serrano Luis topic: Telemedicine and Healthcare session symposia: SS128 (SS127 II.) Telemedicine and Healthcare II. (Standard Session - oral contributions)
2460 | POINT OF CARE MEDICAL DEVICE COMMUNICATION STANDARS (ISO11073/IEEE1073) IN PATIENT TELEMONITORING authors: Galarraga Miguel, Martinez Ignacio, de Toledo Paula, Serrano Luis, García J., Jiménez Silvia topic: Telemedicine and Healthcare session symposia: SS129 (SS127 III.) Telemedicine and Healthcare III. (Standard Session - posters)
2476 | INTELLIGENT HOLTER: A NEW WEARABLE DEVICE FOR ECG MONITORING USING BLUETOOTH TECHNOLOGY authors: Led Santiago, Galarraga Miguel, Serrano Luis topic: Telemedicine and Healthcare session symposia: SS128 (SS127 II.) Telemedicine and Healthcare II. (Standard Session - oral contributions)